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Understanding, Education and Hope


NAMI Maryland offers support and education for families and friends of individuals living with mental illness. Contact NAMI Maryland  for more information.

Presentations (Recorded):

Healing the Helpers presented by Jesse Fairchild.


The NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program is a free,8-week course for family caregivers of individuals with mental illnesses. The course is taught by trained family members and all instruction and course materials are free to class participants.

The course includes:

  • Current information about schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder (manic depression), panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, and co-occurring brain disorders and addictive disorders
  • How to manage crises, solve problems, and communicate effectively
  • Taking care of yourself and managing stress
  • Developing the confidence and stamina to provide support with compassion
  • Finding and using local support services
  • Current treatments, including evidence-based therapies, medications, and side effects
  • The impact of mental illness on the entire family

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F2F video

Family Support Group Logo


NAMI Family Support Groups are for relatives, caregivers, and others involved with individuals with mental illness. The support groups are run by local affiliates and have facilitators trained by NAMI in order to provide a structure which encourages full group participation. Support groups provide a caring atmosphere for individuals to share their common experiences and assist individuals in developing the skills for understanding and the strengths needed to cope. 


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NAMI Basics Logo

NAMI Basics is a free, 6-week education program for parents and caregivers of children and adolescents who are experiencing symptoms of a mental illess or whom have already been diagnosed. The course focuses on ADHD, ODD, CD, Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, Schizophrenia, OCD and Substance Use Disorders.


NAMI Basics covers:

  • How to manage crises, solve problems, and communicate effectively
  • Taking care of yourself and managing stress
  • Developing the confidence and stamina to provide support with compassion
  • Advocating for your child's rights at school and in health care settings
  • Current treatments, including evidence-based therapies, medications, and side effects
  • Gaining an overview of the public mental health care, school and juvenile justice systems and supporting resources to help navigate the systems
  • The impact of mental illness on the entire family




Please contact (410) 884-8691 or for more information on finding a NAMI Basics class near you.


Basics video




NAMI Homefront

NAMI Homefront is a 6-session adaptation of the Evidence-Based NAMI Family-to-Family Program created specifically for the families of Service Members and Veterans dealing with mental illness. NAMI Maryland was selected to pilot this program because of the success we have had reaching military families.


NAMI Homefront focuses on the unique needs of military and veteran communities, such as post-deployment and post-discharge transitions. The course is designed to help family members understand and support their loved one while maintaining their own well-being.


Please contact (410) 884-8691 or for more information on finding a NAMI Homefront class near you.


Let us know if you have any sites you would recommend to host a course, would like to assist with outreach to spread the word about NAMI Homefront courses in Maryland, are interested in being trained as a NAMI Homefront teacher OR would like to take the next 6 week NAMI Homefront course offered in Maryland.  Click here to fill out the survey!  



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